Saturday, August 9, 2008

An Islamic point of view: Pride over Piety

When a man feels superiority over others and with this a sort of inward elation, this is called pride. Pride man considers himself superior to others for certain qualities of his self. He allots one position to his self and another to others, and then thinks that his position is higher, and is therefore elated. This "puffed up" feeling which imparts a sense of "touch me not" is called pride.

A proud man will not tolerate any other to be on equal terms with himself. In private and in public he expects that all should assume a respectful attitude towards him and, acknowledging his superiority, treat him as a higher being. They should greet him first; make way for him wherever he walks; when he speaks everyone should listen to him and never try to oppose him. He is a genius and people are like asses. They should be grateful to him, seeing that he is so condescending.

Virtues are the doors of Paradise, but pride and self-esteem lock them all. So long as man feels elated he will not like for others what he likes for himself. His self-esteem will deprive him of humility, which is the essence of righteousness. He will neither be able to discard enmity and envy, resentment and wrath, slander and scorn, nor will he be able to cultivate truth and sincerity, and calmly listen to any advice. In short, there is no evil which a proud man will not inevitably do in order to preserve his elation and self-esteem.

Being proud about ones own piety is a major sin. This pride can make all the prayers and supplications void. If a person understands the Greatness of Allah (SWT), then he will not be proud and vain at his exertions at prayer. The endowments of the munificent Allah (SWT) are so great that it is impossible to count His Blessings.

Imam Moosa Kazim (as) says: "O Son! Don't delay in offering your prayers. Nor should you be over-confident of the acceptance of your prayers and feel proud of your efforts at piety. We cannot offer prayers and obedience to Allah commensurate with His Blessings."

Imam Ali Reza (as) says that a pious person from Bani Israel offered intense prayers for forty years. Then he offered a sacrifice to Allah (SWT) that was not accepted. The person was disconsolate with sadness for his failure. He cursed his psyche blaming it for his failure. He received a Revelation that blaming his psyche and accepting the shortcomings pleased Allah (SWT) more than the prayers spread over the long period of forty years. For this reason Allah (SWT) accepted his long years of penance.

Imam Mohammed Baqir (as) says that two persons entered the mosque. One was pious and the other a transgressor. When they emerged from the mosque after the prayer, the transgressor was pious and the person with piety had turned a transgressor. The reason was that the pious person came out of the mosque with pride at his piety and the transgressor was penitent at his past misdeeds.

Imam Ali (as) says: "The sin that makes you sad and repentant is more liked by Allah (SWT) than the good deed which turns you arrogant."

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